March 20, 2021

Lofi Top 5 - 41 - The That Guy Episode

Lofi Top 5 - 41 - The That Guy Episode

In this week’s episode, we dive deep into “That G…

In this week’s episode, we dive deep into “That Guys”, a gender-neutral term for our favorite character actors in movies - you know, when you see a Xander Berkeley or, as our friends at the Rewatchables puts it “Joey Pants” on-screen and you say to yourself, hey, I know that guy. Yeah. Them! In fact, we can name drop our James Hongs and Bruce McGills and Larry Hankins all day, and we’ll bet you have no idea who we’re talking about (respectively - the bad guy from Big Trouble in Little China, D-Day from Animal House, and Carl from Billy Madison). Also features a brief discussion of why there aren’t more women as well-known character actresses - and how we hope that’s changing in more modern times.